1. Tổng quan về chứng chỉ LPIC-1: #
Chứng chỉ LPIC-1: Linux Server Professional yêu cầu thí sinh phải hoàn thành 2 bài thi: 101 và 102.
- Bài thi LPIC-1 101 gồm các nội dung về kiến trúc hệ thống, cài đặt Linux, quản lý các gói phần mềm Linux, các lệnh GNU và Unix, thiết bị và hệ thống tệp
- Bài thi LPIC-1 102 kiểm tra về tùy chỉnh môi trường shell, viết và chạy script. Thí sinh phải biết cách cấu hình cài đặt cho giao diện người dùng và desktop, thực hiện nhiệm vụ quản trị và quản lý dịch vụ hệ thống, tạo ra kết nối mạng và bảo mật hệ thống Linux.
2. Các câu hỏi mẫu thi LPI 1: #
Which type of file system is created by mkfs when it is executed with the block device name only and without
any additional parameters?
C. ext2
D. ext3
E. ext4
Which umask value ensures that new directories can be read, written and listed by their owning user, read and
listed by their owning group and are not accessible at all for everyone else?
A. 0750
B. 0027
C. 0036
D. 7640
E. 0029
Which of the following commands changes the number of days before the ext3 filesystem on /dev/sda1 has to
run through a full filesystem check while booting?
A. tune2fs –d 200 /dev/sda1
B. tune2fs –i 200 /dev/sda1
C. tune2fs –c 200 /dev/sda1
D. tune2fs –n 200 /dev/sda1
E. tune2fs –days 200 /dev/sda1
Which is the default percentage of reserved space for the root user on new ext4 filesystems?
A. 10%
B. 3%
C. 15%
D. 0%
E. 5%
Which of the following is true when a file system, which is neither listed in /etc/fstab nor known to system,
is mounted manually?
A. systemd ignores any manual mounts which are not done using the systemctl mount command
B. The command systemctl mountsync can be used to create a mount unit based on the existing mount
C. systemd automatically generates a mount unit and monitors the mount point without changing it
D. Unless a systemd mount unit is created, systemd unmounts the file system after a short period of time
E. systemctl unmount must be used to remove the mount because system opens a file descriptor on the mount point
What does the command mount –bind do?
A. It makes the contents of one directory available in another directory
B. It mounts all available filesystems to the current directory
C. It mounts all user mountable filesystems to the user’s home directory
D. It mounts all file systems listed in /etc/fstab which have the option userbind set
E. It permanently mounts a regular file to a directory
Consider the following directory:
drwxrwxr-x 2 root sales 4096 Jan 1 15:21 sales
Which command ensures new files created within the directory sales are owned by the group sales?
(Choose two.)
A. chmod g+s sales
B. setpol –R newgroup=sales sales
C. chgrp –p sales sales
D. chown –persistent *.sales sales
E. chmod 2775 sales
In order to display all currently mounted filesystems, which of the following commands could be used? (Choose
A. cat /proc/self/mounts
B. free
C. lsmounts
D. mount
E. cat /proc/filesystems
Which chown command changes the ownership to dave and the group to staff on a file named data.txt?
A. chown dave/staff data.txt
B. chown –u dave –g staff data.txt
C. chown –user dave –group staff data.txt
D. chown dave+staff data.txt
E. chown dave:staff data.txt
When considering the use of hard links, what are valid reasons not to use hard links?
A. Hard links are not available on all Linux systems because traditional filesystems, such as ext4, do not
support them
B. Each hard link has individual ownership, permissions and ACLs which can lead to unintended disclosure of
file content
C. Hard links are specific to one filesystem and cannot point to files on another filesystem
D. If users other than root should be able to create hard links, suln has to be installed and configured
E. When a hard linked file is changed, a copy of the file is created and consumes additional space
In compliance with the FHS, in which of the directories are man pages found?
A. /opt/man/
B. /usr/doc/
C. /usr/share/man/
D. /var/pkg/man
E. /var/man/
What is the process ID number of the init process on a System V init based system?
A. -1
B. 0
C. 1
D. It is different with each reboot
E. It is set to the current run level
Which daemon handles power management events on a Linux system?
A. acpid
B. batteryd
C. pwrmgntd
D. psd
E. inetd
Which of the following statements are true about the boot sequence of a PC using a BIOS? (Choose two.)
A. Some parts of the boot process can be configured from the BIOS
B. Linux does not require the assistance of the BIOS to boot a computer
C. The BIOS boot process starts only if secondary storage, such as the hard disk, is functional
D. The BIOS initiates the boot process after turning the computer on
E. The BIOS is started by loading hardware drivers from secondary storage, such as the hard disk
What is true regarding UEFI firmware? (Choose two.)
A. It can read and interpret partition tables
B. It can use and read certain file systems
C. It stores its entire configuration on the /boot/ partition
D. It is stored in a special area within the GPT metadata
E. It is loaded from a fixed boot disk position
A faulty kernel module is causing issues with a network interface card. Which of the following actions ensures
that this module is not loaded automatically when the system boots?
A. Using lsmod –remove –autoclean without specifying the name of a specific module
B. Using modinfo –k followed by the name of the offending module
C. Using modprobe –r followed by the name of the offending module
D. Adding a blacklist line including the name of the offending module to the file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
E. Deleting the kernel module’s directory from the file system and recompiling the kernel, including its modules
When is the content of the kernel ring buffer reset? (Choose two.)
A. When the ring buffer is explicitly reset using the command dmesg –clear
B. When the ring buffer is read using dmesg without any additional parameters
C. When a configurable amount of time, 15 minutes by default, has passed
D. When the kernel loads a previously unloaded kernel module
E. When the system is shut down or rebooted
What is the first program the Linux kernel starts at boot time when using System V init?
A. /lib/init.so
B. /proc/sys/kernel/init
C. /etc/rc.d/rcinit
D. /sbin/init
E. /boot/init
A Debian package creates several files during its installation. Which of the following commands searches for
packages owning the file /etc/debian_version?
A. apt-get search /etc/debian_version
B. apt –r /etc/debian_version
C. find /etc/debian_version -dpkg
D. dpkg –S /etc/debian_version
E. apt-file /etc/debian_version
What is contained on the EFI System Partition?
A. The Linux root file system
B. The first stage boot loader
C. The default swap space file
D. The Linux default shell binaries
E. The user home directories
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